The Candidacy Mentor Program begins by the candidate selecting a mentor.
Begin by selecting a mentor.
When you become a Social Worker candidate, your NSCSW member profile will include several options specific to candidates, including a Candidate Mentor Search tab in the menu. This tool allows you to search for mentors, and narrow down the search to your geographic region. Some prospective mentors who are Private Practitioners will have their areas of specialization included in their profiles as well.
Many mentors have included their phone and email information for candidates to reach out to them. Contact your prospective mentor(s) to discuss whether you and they are a good fit.
Once your mentor agrees to work with you, send their name to the College for approval (see instructions below).
When candidates are selecting mentors, they must consider:
The mentor must have at least two years of full time experience as a professional social worker acceptable by the Executive Director/Registrar and be registered as a:
a) Registered Social Worker
b) Registered Social Worker (Associate)
c) Registered Social Worker (Retired Associate)Also, see section on Conflict of Interest.
Mentor approval
Send your mentor's name to NSCSW for approval before moving forward with the program:
- Visit the Candidate Learning Agreement tab in the member portal.
- Select your mentor in the list (typing registration number to find them works best) then click the submit button.
- If your mentor does not appear in the list, please ask your mentor to reach out to Bria Symonds, Associate Registrar, to update their profile before you proceed.
- Your mentor will receive an email directing them to complete a digital form. NSCSW will review the form to confirm that the mentor meets the requirements of the program.
- You will receive an email notice when NSCSW approves your mentor.
- Start building your learning goals and objectives.