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Are Groups An Option
Yes! Group mentoring is an option.
Group mentoring may utilize multiple mentors and/or multiple candidates in a group setting. There cannot be more than three candidates per one mentor.
When working in groups due attention must be given to the unique learning objectives of each candidate.
Reports are still required to be completed individually with candidates.
Problems with Mentorship or Candidacy
If at any point during the candidacy period the mentor, candidate, and/or the Executive Director/Registrar identifies a problem with any aspect of the process, it is expected that immediate efforts will be made to rectify the problem.
All parties have a responsibility to identify and/or resolve problems as they arise. Possible outcomes may include, but are not limited to, an extension of the mentorship period, or a change in the mentor.
The Executive Director/Registrar has the right to require that the mentorship relationship be terminate, if circumstances warrant this action.
In all cases, the Board of Examiners is to be notified should problems of jurisdiction and/or conflict arise in the mentorship of candidates. This is the responsibility of both the mentor and the candidate.
Conflict of Interest
To avoid any conflict of interest or perceived conflict of interest, the mentor chosen must not have a significant personal or financial relationship with the candidate (e.g., marital, common-law, “best friends”, familial, shared residence, etc.)
In accordance with the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers - Code of Ethics, social worker candidates and mentors shall protect the privacy of clients and hold in confidence all professionally acquired information concerning them. The candidate’s and mentor’s “Reports” shall not contain names or other potentially identifying information of clients.
The candidate shall follow the employer’s policies and procedures regarding confidentiality as long as they do not contravene the professional Code of Ethics.
The candidate should always consult the NSCSW Executive Director/ Registrar when in doubt about issues of confidentiality.
It is recommended that all social workers, inclusive of mentors and candidates, purchase their own social workers’ liability insurance.
Circumstances might arise when the Board of Examiners requires a Social Worker Candidate to withdraw from the process if deemed unsuitable to practice in the profession of social work.
Generally, such a decision would be made as part of a collaborative process involving the mentor, the social worker candidate, and the Executive Director/Registrar. However, the final decision rests with the Board of Examiners.
Situations which might lead to a decision to terminate candidacy include but are not limited to: a breach of the Code of Ethics, a criminal conviction, a medical condition that affects the candidate’s ability to perform at an acceptable level of service, and/or persistent substance abuse.