Candidates and mentors collaboratively write the learning objectives.
Mentorship Training
Mentorship training is provided through the NSCSW, and is free for all current and prospective mentors. This training is provided through an online format and is eligible towards the 20 hours of required yearly professional development for social worker registration. A completion certificate will be provided to all RSWs who complete the mentorship training course.
The role of candidacy mentor is highly valued. Candidacy mentors are an important link in the model for professional development within the membership of the Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. In recognition of their contribution:
The Board of Examiners encourages mentors to provide their services at no charge to the candidate as part of their general responsibility to the profession. (See Chapter 9, Code of Ethics). However, there is no policy prohibiting payment of mentors. In cases where mentors are being paid, the Board of Examiners must be informed and the details of the arrangement should be clearly spelled out in a contract between the mentor and the candidate.