Mentors must be prepared to provide objective and constructive assessments based on candidates learning agreement.
Mentor Report Reviewing
Candidates and mentors are responsible for submitting their learning agreement, plus two additional reports to the Executive Director/Registrar. The first report will be completed after the first 1250 candidacy hours (including at least 16 hours of meetings between candidate and mentor), and the final report on completion of the total 2500 hours (including at least 32 meeting hours). Up to four hours can be counted for the development of the candidate's learning agreement.
Reports should document the following areas:
Progress on the candidates approved learning objectives and activities completed;
How progress of learning objectives has been accessed;
If any additional objectives have been identified since the previous report?
The Executive Director/Registrar will respond with questions, concerns, and/or approval of reports within four weeks of receiving them.
Mentors must be prepared to provide objective and constructive assessments based on candidates learning agreement.